Dunnuck / Dunnick Family Genealogy
Compiled by: Sue N. Haschemeyer (letter from webmaster)
Home Page ... Copyright info.

Linking of this site is permitted only with other FREE sites dealing with genealogy and MAY NOT BE SOLD.

I am always editing and correcting...any help welcome.

Your contributions are appreciated by all of us.


 Contact WebMaster

Much of this site is still under construction

Home Page


Spelling of the DUNN*CK name

Charts - several generation overview, with links
. . . . . . . . . . John b 1747, Joshua b 1790, Thomas, b. 1787, John b.1773, &
Wm. Dunnock- Meekens Neck.

Surname index (all). & explaination of color code. (color) (this index contains the most information on a given individual and sources)

First name index for Dunnuck / Dunnick

color coded - by family
. . .
Dunnock - the Dorchester group - index + plus Maiden names

Searchable family groups and Dunn*ck descendancy charts) Use with . . . above indexes which contain more data. Please help me correct errors

Biographies/ Obituaries/ Charts for cognate surnames & / Misc. stuff
Obituaries - descendants of Joshua - held by webmaster
Current Compilers-Researchers , contributors, and their speciality.
Geographical index - still proofing and adding
Wills and where to find other wills. Under construction
Census index (Your contributions would be appreciated). Under construction
Cemeteries (where Dunn*ck's are known to be buried) Under construction
Civil War
Tombstones index -- photos
Tombstones at West Liberty Church in MD -- photos
Maryland Baptisms - why I question father of John b. 1773
Copyright information 
Dunnock (what is a Dunnock?) Trivia

If you have Dunn*ck family photos please consider sharing them.
Example -See the
John W. Dunnuck descendancy chart above.

Please be patient as I continue to add links and the rest of my information.. This site has gotten so big I am having trouble keeping up with it. Please be patient.
"as time allows" For the most current info feel free to e-mail me.

"Dunnuck" in the subject line or
I might dump it as spam mail,

Click here to email me

Mrs. Sue N. Haschemeyer
14154 Villa Maria Lane
Athens, IL 62613

to: Add my DUNN*CK.

to: Correct errors (Thanks !!)

to: Remove data on living person- I don't always know and mistakes happen -(sorry)

Site Last up date - 10/8/2012

Coming in the not to near future:
Photos - just beginning
Original Documents
More Obituaries
Marriage index
Chronicalogical Data