Elisha DUNNUCK (1816- 1894) |
for more information
on Mary & Elisha and their descendants see
Elisha's will, descendancy chart, and Dilsaver ancestors. |
Obituary of Elisha DUNNUCK Elisha G. DUNNUCK was born in Baltimore county, Maryland, March 19, 1816, and died near Warsaw, Kosciusko county, Ind., April 18, 1894, making his earthly life 78 years an 30 days. During his first year his parents moved with him to Pickaway county, Ohio. There he grew to manhood and lived until in his 26th year. In 1841 he came with his own family to Indiana, and settled on a farm near Warsaw, where he lived and was loved and esteemed as a christian and a citizen for 53 years. He was married to Elizabeth Keys, September 4, 1836, but their married life was brief, she soon leaving him and her infant son to join the throng beyond the River of Death. On August 30, 1839, he was married to Mary Dillsaver, and after nearly 55 years of happy and blessed companionship, he has left her side, answering the call of the Master to come home. While wife and children and grand-children may feel sad to lose such a good man from the family circle on earth, yet to him it was a glorious triumph, for the God whom he so faithfully trusted and served through life, gave him victory in death. He began his christian life in his 23d year, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for 55 years, and of the Pleasant View society, over 50 years, and was the last one to leave the church militant of the original society, which was organized by Rev. O. V. Leamon. There was such a tenderness in his voice in song, in prayer and testimony, that he was of a special help in all the devotional services of the church, so much so that one of his brethren prayed that he might be kept of of Heaven a long time for the good of the church. His remains were laid to rest in Pleasant View cemetery; funeral services conducted by Rev. C. W. Lynch, Rev. N. D. Shackelford and the pastor assisting. P.S.C. |