Amelia DUNNUCK |
wife of James M. STEWARD |
daughter of, BENJAMIN & Minerva (ASHBROOK) DUNNUCK . |
Web site compiled by Sue N. Haschemeyer |
Source: . A Biographical Record of Fairfield and
Perry Counties, Ohio, publ 1902
by S. J. Clarke Publ. Co., pages 78 & 79 |
JAMES M. STEWARD James M. Steward was for a number of years engaged in promoting educational interests in this part of the state but at the present time is devoting his attention to farming and is one of the practical and progressive agriculturist of Bloom township. A son of Charles and Sarah (Kuntz) Steward, he was born on the 15th of March, 1841, in this county. His parents were both natives of Pennsylvania, coming to Ohio from Lehigh, Bucks county. The father took up his abode in Pickaway county, Ohio, in 1837, and there engaged in farming, but after one year he removed to Fairfield county, settling in Amanda township where he spent his remaining days, his death occurring in 1884, when he was eighty-five years of age, for he was born in 1799. His wife died in 1876, at the age of seventy-two years. Unto them were born fifteen children, ten of whom are now living, namely : Lucy Ann, the widow of Jeremiah Zhuring and a resident of Delaware, Ohio: Thomas, a farmer living in Van Wert county, Ohio; Hannah, the wife of Joseph Christian; William H., a resident of Clear Creek township, Fairfield county; Mary Ann, the wife of Nathaniel Donor, also of Clear Creek township; Lewis Wilson, who is living on the old homestead in Amanda township; Susana, deceased; James J., of this review; Sarah, at home; Charles, a physician of Ashville, Ohio; and Samuel, a resident of Stoutsville, this state. On the 29th of December, 1872, Mr. Steward was united in marriage to Amelia DUNNUCK, a daughter of Benjamin and Minerva (ASHBROOK) DUNNUCK, of Pickaway county, Ohio. Their marriage has been blessed with the following named: Charles B., of Bloom township, who is a graduate of Ohio State University; Sarah Minerva, deceased; James C., who is not pursuing a course in the State University; Effie E., who is a student in the same institution; Lewis J., Grace and Florence M., who are yet under the parental roof. The family have a pleasant home upon Mr. Steward's farm. He is engaged in the raising of full blooded stock, making a specialty of short-horn cattle and Poland-China hogs, and has had some fine cattle on his farm. He takes a deep and active interest in matters of public welfare and has served as local school director. He has read extensively and thought deeply concerning the financial questions of the day and gives his political support to the Democracy, while in religious faith both he and his wife are Lutherans.